The Kevin Bates sm Memorial Trust is a tribute to a remarkable Marist priest, musician, songwriter, and educator who had an extraordinary gift for making everyone feel like his best friend,
creating a profound sense of belonging.

Belonging, a feeling of being valued, respected, and cared for, is a fundamental human need that provides the foundation for psychological, physical and economic security.

The Kevin Bates sm Memorial Trust aims to reach those on the very fringe of society and facilitate opportunities for them to experience belonging and a future, primarily through education.

In honour of Fr Kevin’s passion for inviting us into belonging

through sharing life, ministry and his extraordinary gift for education

in its many forms, from music to the classroom,

let’s carry Kev’s Whispers into the future where

“Everybody has a story,

everybody has a song

Everybody has a people

and somewhere to belong…”

                                         Whispers – Kevin Bates sm